The news is very necessary for public. We need to know what happen to our country and the world, so the news media is very important. News media in Taiwan is group 9's topic. I think the quality of group 9's podcast was great. The voice of the hosts and guests were clear and loud enough, and the pacing of the delivery was good, not too fast or slow. There were some background music and effects, it was really effective,and there was no noise. The music they used was good, especially the song that when they welcame the doctor, but if they can use the fade effect on the music, it would be better.
Nowadays,there are many kinds of news media,such as newspaper, television news channels and so on. Therefore, they compete intensely with one another in order to exist. This situation caused a new type of journalism - "Yellow journalism." This kind of news always uses scare headlines in huge print to catch audiences' attention. They try everything to get audiences' notice. They love sensationalism and exaggerations. The main messages may not conform to the headlines, even the news may not be reported entirely on fact.
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In my opinion, the news media in Taiwan is tend to yellow journalism. They are too free to report news. In order to present more sensationalized news to the audiences, they will keep on chasing and asking questions to the party concerned. For example, the paparazzi love to trace the entertainers. They always trespass on their secrets and liberty. Sometimes, they just have meals with others (just they two) or the bebavior is closer to other people, they MUST report that they have a amorous affair. They only report what they see, not by the truth. People always be attracted by this headline,like"XXX betray his/her boy/girlfriend, go to do.....with XXX!" Who knows the truth? But people love to read this type of news!
This is an link to one of yellow journalism news that the headline seems to be about amorous affairs, but the real content is about the person's new album.
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